Aims & Objects

The aims and objectives of the Association shall be as follows:

  1. To organize the members of the Association under a common bond of fellowship and foster among them a spirit of cooperation.
  2. To promote and facilitate research and development activities in Science and Technology.
  3. To receive grants from Public Institutions / Government Agencies / Public to:
    1. To conduct seminars, conferences, workshops, lectures, etc.
    2. To edit and publish books, magazines, teaching aids, periodicals, etc., containing matters of interest to the members.
  4. To frame bye-laws and rules and regulations for the conduct of the business of the Association and its employees.
  5. To raise such money or moneys by way of subscription, donations, such sums as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.
  6. Generally, to do all such other lawful acts, matters and things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.