
New Membership (2023-24)Rs.225.00 (Subscription) + Rs.50.00 (Admission Fee)
Membership Renewal (2023-24)Rs.225.00 (Subscription)

SRDST Membership Form

The following rules shall govern the membership of the Society:

  1. Membership Eligibility:
    1. Professional involved in the field of Research and Development of Science and Technology.
    2. Professional involved in the field of Engineering Services.
    3. Interested individuals may apply to the General Secretary of the Society. The Executive of the Society shall decide on the admittance of the applicant to the Society.
  2. Category of Members: There shall be only one type of membership and that is “Ordinary Member” or simply “Member“.
  3. Cessation of Membership: The membership of a member shall cease to exist subject to the following conditions:
    1. If he (she) submits a letter of withdrawal of his (her) membership of the Society by giving a written notice to the General Secretary of his intention to do so.
    2. Majority of two-third or more of the total number of members voting in person, may be resolution passes at an annual or an extra ordinary general meeting expel any member who in their opinion is guilty of conduct contrary to the interests of the Society and any such member shall cease to be a member of the Society from the date of passing this resolution but may be proposed again for membership after the expiry of 12 calendar months from that date.
    3. Any member who ceases to be a member shall nevertheless remain liable for and shall pay all monies which at the time of such member ceasing to be due from him to the Society.
  4. Register of Members: The Society shall maintain a Register of Members and record the names and address of all members for the time being and all changes in the membership which take place from time to time.
  5. Rights and Privileges: The registered members of the Society shall enjoy the following rights and privileges:
    1. He (She) will receive all the printed literature / journal etc., published by the Society.
    2. He (She) will have the right to attend all General Body Meetings and cast his vote as well as register grievance, if any.
  6. Admission Fee and the Annual Subscription:
    1. Admission Fee: Rs.50/-
    2. Annual Subscription Fee: Rs.200/- at the time of formation of the Society.
    3. Annual Subscription Fee shall increase by a sum of Rs.25/- in the month of April every year.